Jotmans Hall Primary School

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Ofsted & School Performance 

In July 2024 the School received a visit from Ofsted and we were disappointed to be given the judgement of Requires Improvement. It had only been 224 school days since our last inspection, May 2023, and a huge amount of work had been achieved in this short time scale.

Improvements implemented since May 2023:

  • The DfE Myland English Hub have been working closely with the school, providing staff training, monitoring visits and resources. This has led to strengthened phonics and reading programmes throughout the school. This work will continue next academic year, including a strengthened monitoring system, which is already developed and ready to put in place from September 2024.
  • The curriculum has been strengthened with new or updated schemes introduced in several subjects, including: Maths, Modern Foreign Languages, PSHE and RE. Assessment systems, for these new curriculums are already developed and were implemented in April 2024. However, there was not enough data available by the time of the July Ofsted visit to show that they were effective, hence the comment regarding systems not being fully embedded.
  • A new on-line assessment system was also implemented in April 2024. This enables teachers to quickly and effectively input data that can then be analysed each term. The overall data can also be compared to local schools to ensure that our practice is in line with other primary schools. However, once again, there was not enough data available by the time of the July Ofsted visit to show that the systems were effective.
  • Regular One Plan Meetings were introduced in Autumn 2023, and have been held every term for the parents of SEND children. The school is already part of the PINS project (Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools), which is aiming to improve school parent communication around neurodiversity and inclusion.

Please see the letter below for our full response to the report: