Jotmans Hall Primary School

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Vision & Values

Welcome to Jotmans Hall Primary School - Our School Vision

Welcome to Jotmans Hall Primary School where “every child matters”.  At Jotmans Hall we believe that children are individuals and they all learn in different ways.  Our rich and varied curriculum and excellent facilities ensure that we are able to provide experiences to meet their needs and move them forward in their learning.

Our ambitious vision is to provide an excellent quality of education for all learners by:

  •  Ensuring the curricular provision continues to be rich, broad, balanced, bespoke, diverse and relevant, with high expectations that every child will enjoy learning and have the courage and determination to be the best they can be, in their learning, and as citizens of the global community.  Our core purpose is to enable all children to develop their confidence, all round ability and unique talents to the highest level that they can achieve.
  • Continuing to recruit, train and develop and value a highly ambitious, professional and competent workforce that is committed to the highest standards and will go the extra mile to achieve this.
  • Maintaining a learning environment that facilitates high quality teaching and learning – safe, organised and tidy, rich with display and resources that enable learning; innovative: – equipped with the latest and best resources that support teaching and learning; celebratory of achievements; a fantastic place to learn.


So that children thrive in the 21st century, we believe the curriculum needs to provide all children with opportunities to acquire expertise in the basics (self-care, oracy, literacy, numeracy) and subject specific disciplines (knowledge, skills and understanding), as well as opportunities to develop their character: the attributes of kindness, confidence, resilience and fearlessness. This is reflected in our school values of Effort, Respect, Independence and Communication (E.R.I.C.).

Our hardworking staff ensure that each child’s progress is carefully monitored and we pride ourselves on the School’s warm and welcoming environment which enables children to thrive. We offer a very wide range of enrichment opportunities, such as music and sport, and provide high quality childcare before and after school to support parents and carers. 

We hope you enjoy our website and find it useful and informative.